Chez Pascale est le restaurant imaginaire que Pascale Naessens dirige depuis des années. Elle y cuisine uniquement pour ses amis et sa famille, comme tous ceux qui cuisinent à la maison. La couverture est un beau reflet de son bistrot imaginaire. En fait, tous ceux qui cuisinent à la maison dirigent leur propre restaurant. Chaque jour, c'est un défi de mettre sur la table des plats frais, pour que nos proches soient enthousiastes et satisfaits. Avec ce livre, Pascale souhaite vous faire (re)découvrir le plaisir de cuisiner et vous inspirer avec 80 plats simples mais originaux. Pour que vous puissiez profiter pleinement de ces agréables moments à table à la maison.
Henk van Rensbergen is a Boeing 787 pilot who flies around the globe. While his crew rests at the swimming pool, he goes out to explore abandoned places in our world. From the breakaway state of Abkhazia, a floating warship cemetery in France, a forgotten love hotel in Japan to an abandoned rail depot in Detroit, van Rensbergen searches for the beauty of their desolation and pinpoints the richness of their decay. Van Rensbergen is a pioneering urban explorer. His Abandoned Places photo books (1, 2, 3 and The Photographer's Selection) have been highly successful. This complete revised edition shows his most iconic photos of the past 25 years, including new unpublished material and anecdotes.
Since 150 Bars You Need to Visit Before You Die came out in 2018, more than 17,000 copies have been sold. Time for an updated version, with no less than 50 new bars. Discover which bars you must visit worldwide for their delicious cocktails, unique interiors or authentic atmosphere. Sommelier and spirits connoisseur Jurgen Lijcops once again takes you on a trip/bar crawl around the world and also gives you the best cocktail recipes en cours de route.
Technology continues to change the world. In order to keep evolving as a manager, you have to find inspiration in that world. You have to have the courage to read the signals, to fully dedicate yourself to the needs of the customer, to focus on opportunities and to keep experimenting. Above all, you need to connect with as large a public as possible and simultaneously address every customer individually. This is the only way to survive in an increasingly competitive future.
Managers The Day After Tomorrow reveals the vectors that drive this changing world. Combining insights from sociology, evolutionary theory and psychology, it guides you past the hypes to a new style of management. This book is a handhold for managers in a world that is no longer predictable."
Companies face increasingly turbulent times. To what extent are the traditional strategy models still relevant to deal with this new environment? This new book presents how to analyze turbulent environments, how to build new strategies, and how to implement them. Through many case studies managers of large and smaller companies can learn how to successfully react to fundamental change. It covers these topics: 1. What is turbulence: disruption vs. disturbance. 2. Corporate foresight/sensing turbulence (incl. scenario analysis) 3. Choosing the right turbulence strategy 4. Implementing turbulence strategies.
What if customers expect more than just a good product, excellent service and perfectly performing digital interfaces? And what if new technologies like 5G, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and robotics offer possibilities that go beyond mere ease of use?
Digital ease of use is the new minimum. It has become a commodity. The customer now regards it as the most normal thing in the world to have access to limitless products and services with just a single click of a mouse. In the years ahead, companies will need to play an active role in the 'life journey' of customers: helping to make their dreams come true and removing problems from their daily lives. In addition, customers are looking increasingly to companies instead of governments to tackle societal challenges like climate change, health care and mobility.
If your company succeeds in providing outstanding digital service, becomes a partner in the life of your customers and provides solutions for major societal issues, you will develop 'an offer you can't refuse'.
In Why Now? Michael Humblet teaches you how to create the right pitch to maximize your impact and speed up the conversion of prospects into customers. Learn how to tailor sales and closing techniques to the needs of your prospects to formulate the ultimate sales pitch. Humblet's phone rings: 'Michael, people are interested in our product, and we write scores of offers but take-up is poor. What are we doing wrong?' Humblet's reply is invariably: 'Why should a customer buy from you today? Why now?' Sales pitches will fail if this fundamental issue is not addressed, a problem Humblet encounters in 90% of his client companies. They know how to identify prospects, but they do not have a compeling story, tailored to individual prospects. Humblet's clients want to know how to speed up the sales process and close more deals. Humblet tells you how in Why Now? Having optimised more than 500 sales pitches, in Why Now? Humblet shares the five elements needed to turn prospects into customers. With case studies and before and after examples, Why Now? gives you a blueprint for how to best describe your offer in a sales pitch, website, brochure or sales offer and gives you proven tools to close deals. You will learn how to create the ultimate sales flow. It's closing time!
Janice has been through rough times in her life. She got caught in the lifestyle which every young girl or woman can relate to. Experience is the best teacher. Being involved in Molestation, Abuse, Cheating, and the hustle, she found herself in a ruff situation over and over again, and this time she did not know how to get out it. Having a child at a very young age with a guy she only knew for a couple of months have turned her life around, but with mom Vicky, and Carmen to help, it all worked out for the best. Living a fast lifestyle, becoming a woman meeting a guy name Tommy, who took care of her in a time of need. Janice got back in touch with Desmond her teenage love, her life changed, not only being destroyed outside, but it broke her inside. Desmond told her what to do, and what not to do and she had no where to run to, the abuse did not stop. Janice was in this unhealthy relationship for six years, until she got fed up, and said enough was enough. She finally let him go but the only thing that saved her life was Desmond getting locked up in jail for three years. Prepare yourself on a journey, and read the process of what happened along the way. Raheme was patiently waiting for Janice. He fell in love with her the first time he met her. Janice was still in a love with Desmond. She finally gave in to Raheme and he was the perfect man for her. Will he put up with her drama and stay with his family, or will he stand up to Desmond? Desmond who is still incarcerated will be released soon.
The New World Economy in 5 Trends
Koen De Leus, Philippe Gijsels
- Lannoo
- 27 Février 2024
- 9789401409018
Renee & Matthew Hahnel, two professional travel photographers, embarked on the adventure of a lifetime ... a seven month journey to every national park in America. Over the course of this epic road trip, they traveled through 39 states, two US territories, drove over 25,000 miles, took 26 flights, and hiked hundreds of miles across some of the most dramatic landscapes on the planet.
Roaming America tells their story through breathtaking imagery and musings from the road that will set your wanderlust into overdrive. The Hahnel's also share their personal experiences, and give away their insider tips to help you plan your own national parks adventure!
If you are a true chocolate professional, then The Chocolatier's Shop is your professional bible. In this book you will find answers to all questions to start or grow your chocolate shop: How do I build or further expand my brand? Which products do I include in my range? How do I deal with staff and customers? Which tools do I absolutely need? How do I manage my stock?
- Loïc Van Impe vous rend encore plus dingues (de cuisine).
- Cuisinier autodidacte à la télé, Loïc Van Impe est de retour !
- Le mélange le plus fou de plats réconfortants, de pâtisserie, de mets japonais et tant d'autres choses encore.
- Encore plus de bons conseils et d'astuces pour davantage de plaisir à la cuisine.
On peut faire encore plus fou ? Mais bien sûr !
Loïc Van Impe nous emmène de nouveau dans son royaume. Faire soi-même ses plats favoris à emporter ? O.K. Des plats rustiques hyper simples avec un petit plus ? O.K. Des bouchées orientales à partager ? O.K. Son nouveau livre propose un mélange dingue comme tout de recettes les plus diverses, accessibles à tous grâce aux astuces de Loïc !
Loïc Van Impe est fou de cuisine, de faire soi-même son pain, d'aubergines et de se produire à la télé. Suivez ses aventures culinaires à la télé ou sur les médias sociaux.
Digital at Heart
Stijn Viaene, Ignace Decroix, Karlien Vanderheyden
- Lannoo
- 7 Janvier 2025
- 9789401487740
How to create a successful company-wide digital transformation? Bring all the employees on board. The much-needed digital transformation that organizations and companies have to make often causes tension and uncertainty for many. Besides finding the latest technologies and applying them, it is equally important to streamline internal processes and move the organization to adapt to these new ways of working and thinking. Success largely depends on the willingness of all employees to participate. This book teaches how to place people first in a digital transformation process. It shows how to look at the relationship between people and technology and help everyone get on board.
La course au sommet : l'histoire irrésistible d'Intermarché Wanty Gobert
Marc Van Staen, Julien Gillebert
- Lannoo
- 28 Mars 2023
- 9789401490481
Un coup d'oeil passionnant dans les coulisses et dans l'histoire de l'équipe belge. Des épisodes épiques de la course en images et paroles. Le cadeau à ne pas manquer pour tout passionné de la course cycliste.
La formation belge Intermarché-Wanty-Gobert Matériaux a le vent en poupe. Depuis l'obtention de la licence UCI World Tour, ce Petit Poucet s'est transformé en une équipe solide qui a surpris plus d'un amateur de courses par son esprit conquérant dans les grands tours cyclistes. L'aventure cycliste est belle, l'équipe relativement jeune et diverse avec quelques hommes forts comme Kristoff, Bakelants et Hermans et de jeunes talents comme Meintjes en Girmay. Une histoire qui parle d'ambition, de débuts plus que prometteurs et de victoires retentissantes. Ou comment une attaque sans perspective aboutit au sprint pour la victoire. -
Thinking about the unthinkable.
Today's society is facing challenges of an unprecedented global scale. Economic shifts, ageing population, migration flows and climate change - to name only a few - will provide both new problems and new opportunities. Analyses, instruments and methods that were used in the past to prepare for the future no longer work. How can decision-makers and policy-makers cope with all this? This book offers insight into a new approach. 'Future(s) thinking' is a powerful and research-based method of interpreting an unpredictable, changing and complex environment. It can be applied in a range of domains, from political policy and business strategy to innovation and entrepreneurship. In all of these domains, the disciplined application of future thinking can offer a distinct and sustainable competitive advantage. Thinking Futures is a valuable guide for anyone concerned for our future: from politicians to CEOs, from policy-makers to youngsters and from diplomats to intelligence service directors.
Can a company be a source of meaning?
How can we transform meaningless jobs into personally fulfilling jobs?
Is it worthwhile for a company to invest in personal purpose?
One out of every three employees regards his or her job as being completely pointless. Yet all of us - employers, employees and consumers - yearn for purpose in our lives. Our economy is searching for meaning. The key question is how companies can play a role in this.
Check-In shows how a meaningful economy is not achieved through fine words and expensive mission statements, but through personal experience. Meaningful work requires a personal check-in on the what, who and why of organisations.
Based on research into what makes life and work meaningful, Jochanan Eynikel offers us a number of building blocks and methodical steps that can help companies to enhance their spiritual capital. The check-ins by entrepreneurs and CEOs give concrete shape and form to his method.
The Beer Brewing Guide
European Brewery Convention, Christopher McGreger, Nancy McGreger
- Lannoo
- 22 Juin 2021
- 9789401479790
- The ultimate guide for the advanced home brewer.
- Learn everything about brewing processes, maintenance and analysis.
- Technical, in-depth and yet accessible.
- Written in collaboration with the European Trade Association of Brewers, representing 29 countries and more than 10,000 breweries.
This book is aimed at small brewers - professional brewers in the process of opening their own breweries or existing brewers - and focuses on quality measures to improve brewing skills and produce the best quality beer. It is the ideal guide for the advanced home brewer, who does not require 5 years of experience in a large industrial brewery or a master's degree in brewing science, and a precious resource for all small brewers looking to expand their brewing skills, improve their know-how about the brewing process and get more value and benefits from their brewing work.
L'entreprise immortelle ; survivre à l'ère disruptive
Fons Van dyck
- Lannoo Campus
- 8 Mars 2019
- 9789401459235
La durée de vie des entreprises est de plus en plus courte. Nombreuses sont celles qui disparaîtront dans les années à venir ; seules quelques-unes parviendront à survivre et à prospérer. Mais comment une entreprise peut-elle devenir immortelle en ces temps disruptifs ?
Une entreprise immortelle sait...
S'adapter intelligemment à un monde qui évolue sans cesse.
Atteindre ses objectifs grâce à une stratégie univoque.
Connecter ses employés, ses parties prenantes, ses partenaires et ses clients dans un système unique et complet.
Protéger et préserver son ADN (son identité et sa culture) sur le long terme.
Dans ce livre, Fons Van Dyck offre à chaque manager un guide des pratiques éprouvées pour survivre à long terme, qu'il examine à la lumière des réussites et des échecs qui jalonnent l'histoire d'Apple depuis plus de 40 ans, de son ascension à sa chute, et enfin à sa résurrection.
L'entreprise immortelle est un plaidoyer unique en son genre en faveur de la nécessité d'une réflexion à long terme. Le livre s'attaque sans relâche aux lieux communs et aux mythes qui circulent autour des organisations prospères. Un kit de survie pour chaque entrepreneur à l'ère disruptive, avec des conseils pratiques et des do's and don'ts.
RIO connexion + confiance = acquisition
Jochen Roef, Jozefien de Feyter, Carolien Boom
- Lannoo
- 14 Mai 2020
- 9789401469289
Êtes-vous capable de vendre à tout type de client ?
Les clients d'aujourd'hui veulent une expérience d'achat hautement personnalisée et unique : ils demandent à bénéficier de l'encadrement d'experts dans un processus d'achat pertinent et efficace du début à la fin. Mais en tant que vendeur, comment répondre à cette attente exigeante ?
Le modèle RIO fait le travail pour vous. Il s'agit d'une méthode qui vous permet de déterminer les préférences d'achat de votre interlocuteur et de vous faire une idée précise des facteurs nécessaires pour créer un climat de confiance et de coopération.
Connexion + Confiance = Acquisition vous amène au coeur de la vente d'aujourd'hui et va même au-delà. Bien plus qu'une simple typologie des clients, RIO est le point de départ d'une nouvelle ère de vente dans laquelle l'élément central est le contact entre le client et le vendeur. En tant que vendeur, si vous intégrez les connaissances décrites dans ce livre, vous verrez augmenter non seulement votre chiffre d'affaires, mais aussi votre propre estime ainsi que l'influence positive sur les personnes qui vous entourent.
Inside the writing rooms of the greatest authors Where did Connie Palmen write Whatever You Say, Midas Dekkers The Way of All Flesh and Herman Brusselmans Fear of Water During Drowning? Writing rooms provides the answer through text and image, and allows readers a glimpse of the working environments of forty-five of the most illustrious names in Dutch and Flemish literature. Surprising, poetic, bibliophilic and occasionally demystifying... a literary photography book.